Meet Alex Kaufman
Meet Alex Kaufman
COO Kaufman Asset Management
Tell us what you do without directly telling us what you do:
Provide affordable housing to 10,000ish Americans in nine states.
Also niche uphill influencer upon a discontinued plastic, scaled powder ski with no edges
Can you play an instrument? If so, which instrument?
Acoustic guitar. Maybe you have seen me playing next to Icelantic for money. I'm not very good but getting paid to practice is nice.
What’s the strangest talent you have?
I hacked the sport of skiing in Colorado to make it ridiculously convenient, untracked, and nearby. More info at
Where are you from?
Born in Burlington, Vermont with a decade in Colorado in the 90s. Prior decade career running the marketing for the largest ski resorts in four states.
What are you most passionate about?
Passionate about coaching teenage soccer. Competitive coach for Edge in Arvada last few years.
Goal for the year?
Establish life 2.0, whatever it should be, after emerging from a 23 year relationship. Feels like a new planet! Hello world.
Reach out to me if you are considering investing in multifamily housing or detest I-70 traffic