Meet Philip, 1MC Jeffco, Fun Golden Events!


THU • JUNE 9 Member Happy Hour • 4pm
THU • JUNE 16 Member Happy Hour • 4pm


1 Million Cups is Coming to Jeffco this Fall!

1 Million Cups (1MC) works with entrepreneurs, empowering them with the tools and resources to break down barriers that stand in the way of starting and growing their businesses.

Two presenters each week have the opportunity to share their business model to receive support, feedback, and encouragement from the attendees over a cup of coffee.

Beginning this fall, 1MC Jefferson County, CO will be held every Wednesday at 9am, hosted by Morris & Mae Market (connected to the upcoming Connects Workspace Red Rocks).

Meet Philip!

Tell us what you do without directly telling us what you do: I help people participate in protocol governance for a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization).

Favorite book?: I know it's cliche, but probably The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien.

What are you going to do when you retire?: I'd like to own a used bookstore somewhere tropical.

Dream vacation spot?: I've never been anywhere in India, so I'd love to travel there.

Reach out to me if... you want to learn about DeFi (Decentralized Finance).

Connect with Philip Bain

Location: Armory Coworking
Email: Philip
Slack: @Philip
Job: Core Unit Facilitator for Basswood Creative


Meet Hunter, Armory Reserved Desks, Red Rocks Private Offices!


1 Million Cups Jeffco!