Meet Mara Prendergast and Connects Member Brunch!

Meet Mara Prendergast
Pivotal Marketing Partners, Managing Partner & Unite Fitness Group Training, Owner

Tell us what you do without directly telling us what you do:
Pivotal: I help construction companies, engineers, and architects win work. I work with heavy civil/infrastructure clients and vertical construction.
Unite: I help people get strong so they enjoy their lives now and in the future and feel great.

Where are you from?
Omaha Nebraska

What is your favorite movie?
Legally Blonde

What are you going to do when you retire?
Split the year between Colorado and Mexico

What are you most passionate about?
Helping people feel good in their bodies and happier mentally through fitness

Which is your favorite season?

Goals for the year?
Socialize more and meet more people in Golden and area, Spend more quality time with family, Grow Unite to be profitable!

Reach out to me if you are looking for an amazing, welcoming, all-levels fitness community OR you work for or own a construction/engineering/architecture company that wants to win more work by responding to RFQs and RFPs and interviewing for public or private owners.


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